since 2009

since 2009

Photos from my archive, new and old stuff from the world of skateboarding. All logo designs by Eduardo Pigatto, Brazil (Cover Photo by Alexander Schulte-Stemmerck, all other photos by Chris Eggers unless otherwise noted)

Montag, 27. Juni 2016

Wet Summer Sessions

Es regnet hier immer wieder viel und der Wald um die Campus Ramp entwickelt sich zum Sumpf.
Die Crew versucht, so viele Sessions wie möglich unterzubringen.
It is raining off and on here a lot these days. The woods around the Campus Ramp are turning into a swamp. The Crew tries to squeeze in as many sessions as possible.
Kevin Ganz hat vert Blut geleckt und geht von nose grab blunt to fakies gleich mal an..
Kevin Ganz tasted vert blood and just went from nose grab blunts to...
...ollie blunt fakies 
Tim, fs 50-50
fakie fs smith tailgrab

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