since 2009

since 2009

Photos from my archive, new and old stuff from the world of skateboarding. All logo designs by Eduardo Pigatto, Brazil (Cover Photo by Alexander Schulte-Stemmerck, all other photos by Chris Eggers unless otherwise noted)

Dienstag, 29. März 2011

Steinhart Bowl

Text und Photos von Markus Suchanek
Sonntag Nachmittag in Bayern. Regen und noch mehr Regen. Was tun? Schnell einen Kollegen angerufen und `raus auf`s Land zum Bauern unseres Vertrauens und schön lieb Fragen, ob man in der Scheune im ersten Stock ein bisschen spielen darf...Wir durften. Und anstatt im Heu zu spielen gab es liebevoll geformten DIY Beton mit schönen Spielereien wie Taco und Vertcorner mit Steinbetoncoping. Rau, ungeschliffen und trotzdem sehr sympatisch. Genauso wie die Leute auf dem Land. Sehr angenehm, wirklich. Danke an Roland und Maxi und seine Crew fürs bauen-
ihr ruled!
Sunday afternoon in rainy Bavaria. What are you gonna do? Call someone and head to the countryside to visit a farmer and ask if you may play in the barn for a while? We got the approval and instead of playing in the hay we found a nice DIY concrete Bowl with toys lice a taco and a vert corner and stone coping, raw but nice. Very nice these people on the countryside..really. Thanks to Maxi and his crew and Roland for the connection to the farmer, you guys rule!

Roland und Andy S.

Andy S.


Markus Suchanek

Freitag, 25. März 2011

I skate therefore I am

Ich skate, also bin ich.

Ein Satz, der mir zu denken gab als ich zum ersten Mal über den Blog von Xavier Lannes stolperte. Es ist einer der Blogs die ich fast täglich aufsuche
ist er doch immer sehr aktuell und covert genau das Skateboarding das ich auch
mag.  Ich dachte dahinter muss jemand mit Herz und Seele stecken und hakte nach.
Das Ergebnis seht ihr hier. Xavier ist ein Skateboarder der allerersten Stunde
und hat alle ups und downs über die Jahrzehnte mitgemacht. Er lebt inzwischen in
California und skated dort noch immer die aktuellen Parks nachdem er schon die
Legenden  Big O, The Ranch, Marina del Rey usw. gesehen hat.
Ich habe ihn gebeten seine Geschichte aufzuschreiben. Lest selbst. (Nur in Englisch)

I skate, therefore I am

I had to rethink this sentence when I first stumbled across Xavier Lannes`blog. It is one of the blogs I visit almost daily as it is very up to date and covers the skateboarding I like. I thought there must be someone with heart and soul behind it and researched. Xavier is a skateboarder from the start and has lived through all the ups and downs over the decades. Today he is living in California following his dreams and skating the new parks after he has seen all the legendary ones like  Big O, The Ranch, Marina del Rey etc.
I asked him to write down his story. Read for yourself (english only)

"I started skateboarding around 1965. I frankly don’t remember the year. We were sharing the same skateboard with my father and we would go skate every other week-end. I had no idea skateboarding was popular in the US at that time. I never knew it stopped either… We skated with my father sharing the same board until about 1970. Then my father bought 2 extra boards, one for me and one for my sister. Skateboard was a family thing. After that, he bought several more boards and we started to compete against friends at school (with the boards I would lend them).
It was nothing more than a pastime for kids until we discovered the Cadillac wheels. That’s when it started to become serious. The wheels were sticking to the road and I would make radical maneuvers and turns. That was amazing. I almost instantly loved slalom because of the wheels’ traction. In 72-73, I met Thierry Dupin at Biarritz and he introduced me to J.P. Marquant, the boss of Banzai Skateboards, I turned pro, went to a lot of contests (in France, Italy, Switzerland, USA) and even won a lot of slalom contests. I also entered freestyle contests and was regularly in the top 3… For the following couple of years we toured with the Banzai team in France, Switzerland, and Belgium. Then I left the Banzai team and became independent professional and toured in France and Spain. At the same time I started to write for Skate France Magazine and became addicted to vert. Skate France Magazine lasted almost 3 years until the mag went broke. I wrote between 40% and 60% of the mag’s articles in every issue of Skate France until the last one, except for the very first issue. 

When Beton Hurlant  (Paris) opened I was at the skatepark almost every day and trained more on vert and less on slalom. I finally left competitive skateboarding (and slalom) in about 1981 when skateboarding died completely in France but I was still skating alone in abandoned half pipes and dirty parks.

In 1986, I opened a skate shop in Paris called The Surf factory and closed the shop 7 years after. The Surf Factory was a warrior/rogue skate shop. The shop was completely punk-thrash and hard-core hip-hop. We were the only ones to distribute Airwalk, World Industries, H Street, Skull Skates, 101, Plan B, Toxic (and other troublemakers’ brands) and I received a lot of animosity from the skateboard industry (especially the Vision and Powell distributors, the two biggest brand of the era). Airwalk was the direct concurrent of Vision and World Industry was the direct concurrent of Powell. Powell boycotted the shop for two years. It was hard for us because the kids were looking for Powell decks and all we had to offer were World Industries boards with naked women, satanesque designs, guns and dead bodies. Powell’s skulls were like angels compared to WI. The little kids’ mothers were horrified!!! Then, Powell decided they would sell their boards again through the store, but by then, Powell was a dead brand and we did not need their boards anymore… What an irony… At the same time, I started again writing for skateboard magazines like Wind, No-Way, Bi-Cross and even Best (a sort of French Rolling-Stone mag).  After the third death of skateboard in 93, I just throw the towel…

Skatepark LaVilette, Paris


I’ve now been back on a skateboard for almost two years. I skate only mini-ramps and bowls. Mainly at Jurupa, Belvedere, Etnies, Venice, Volcom and Vans.

I started blogging about skateboard two years ago, but the blog really started to have traction last November 2010. The blog is specialized in vert/bowl/ramp/pools but I sometimes talk about the skateboard industry as well and more rarely about street. Yeah, there’s been ups and down, but that’s true; from 1965 to 2011: skate for life!"

Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

Happy Birthday Matt!

Back in the early 80s or 90s when skateboarding was dead it was common to become friends instantly whenever you met another skateboarder. You even approached people on the street if they were wearing Vans shoes.
Sometimes you can still find this spirit when you skate in another town or country. When I was in New York in November I skated the Pier 62 Skatepark with some locals for a few hours. We had a great session on a wonderful day in one of the worlds best skateparks with one of the most breathtaking views. Everyone pushed each other, clapped and commented good moves just like it is common among skaters. After 3 hours we said good bye and Matt said: “Thanks for coming over, are you on facebook or something?”
A few weeks later we became friends on facebook.
As it is facebook reminds you about birthdays of friends.
So: Happy Birthday Matt, and here is the photo I took of you carving the pool.
Maybe we will have another session in the future!
Wenn man in den frühen 80en oder 90ern, als Skateboarding total out war einen Skateboarder traf, wurde man sofort Freunde, wollte man nicht alleine skaten. Man sprach sich sogar an, wenn man auf der Straße jemanden traf der Vans trug.
Manchmal findet man diesen Spirit noch wenn man in einer fremden Stadt skaten geht.
Als ich im November in New York war skatete ich für ein paar Stunden den
Pier 62 Skatepark  mit ein paar Locals.
Wir hatten eine super Session an einem wunderschönen Tag in einem der schönsten Skateparks der Welt mit einer der genialsten Aussichten. Jeder pushte den anderen, klatschte und kommentierte gute Tricks, wie es eben üblich ist. Nach 3 Stunden sagten wir good bye und Matt verabschiedete sich mit: “Thanks for coming over, are you on faceboook or something?”
Ein paar Wochen später wurden wir „Freunde“  auf  Facebook.
Wie das so ist erinnert einem Facebook auch an Geburtstage von „Freunden“   
Daher hier an dieser Stelle: Happy Birthday Matt und das Photo das ich von dir gemacht habe.
Vielleicht sehen wir uns mal wieder bei einer Session!

Dienstag, 22. März 2011

Trashcanpics Episode # 6

Ich muss ´nen schlechten Tag gehabt haben damals. Ca. 1992, GreenRamp.
Hab auch keine Ahnung wer das ist. 
Vielleicht kann jemand helfen?
I must have a had a bad day back then. ca. 1992 GreenRamp.
Also I have no clue who that is. 
Maybe someone can help? 

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Campus Ramp T-Shirts

Campus Ramp T-Shirts
17,50 Euro (davon gehen je Shirt 10,00 Euro auf das Konto der Campus Ramp) + Porto falls erforderlich. Bestellung per E-Mail an sk8chris(at)
Größen S - XXL
Farben schwarz, grün, braun, blau
Bitte Größe und Farbwunsch angeben
Campus Ramp T-shirts
17,50 Euro (10,00 Euro per shirt will go to the Campus Ramp funds) + postage if needed. Please order via e-mail to sk8chris(at)
Sizes S-XXL
Colors black, green, brown, blue
Please note size and color

Support vertical Skateboarding!

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011


Steffen Busam fliegt über einen roten Himmel und landet einen der letzten frontside airs auf den alten Belag. Ein unglaubliches Photo wie ich finde. Super hoch und es sieht aus als landet er im Flat. Garantiert keine Farbänderung an Photo vorgenommen.
Steffen Busam flying over a red sky and landing one of the last frontside airs on the old surface. An incredible photo I think. Super high and it looks as if he is landing on the flat. 100% no color enhancing in the pic.  

 Die Farbe der Rampe ändert sich aber grade. Rostschutzaktion.
But the color of the ramp is changing. Rust removing action.
Noch mehr Schleifen

Alex hat auch geholfen
Alex helped too 
Job done

Work photos by Steffen E.

Montag, 14. März 2011


Andreas "Hone" Sczerences, early GreenRamp days 1989
Keine Ahnung was aus dem Burschen geworden ist, nicht zu finden
Coping perspective.
Andreas "Hone" Sczerences, early GreenRamp days 1989
I have no clue where this dude is. Not to be found.

Donnerstag, 10. März 2011

Rudi, drop-frontside-early release

Rudi macht early realease frontside airs indem er von der gegenüberliegenden Extention eindropt. Ich nehme an dieser war dann auch high to low. Styler.
Campus Ramp Sommer 2010
Rudi does early release frontside airs after dropping in from the opposing extention. This one was high to low probably. Styler.
Campus Ramp summer 2010
Photos by Nadja S. 

Mittwoch, 9. März 2011

Campus Ramp, stripped

Gestern wurde die Campus Ramp ihres alten Belages beraubt. Tim und Crew hat den ganzen Tag gearbeitet. Super Job, Jungs!
Yesterday the Campus Ramp got her old surface ripped off. Tim and crew worked all day. Great job guys!

Hoffentlich friert sie nicht.......
We hope she will not freeze.......
Das Flutlicht wurde getested. Es werden wohl noch Strahler dazukommen.
The floodlights were tested. Some more lights will be added.
Der Rost wird jetzt entfernt und dann wird gestrichen. Der neue Belag wird kommen!
The rust will be removed and a rust sealant will be applied. The new surface is on the way!
Last 3 Photos by Steffen E.

Dienstag, 8. März 2011

Bernd Böcker, Sweeper re-entry, Mümoma #1

Bernd Böcker beim ersten Münster Monster Mastership. Titus schaut zu in der rechten unteren Ecke.
Bernd Böcker at the first Münster Monster Mastership. Titus is watching in the lower right corner.