since 2009

since 2009

Photos from my archive, new and old stuff from the world of skateboarding. All logo designs by Eduardo Pigatto, Brazil (Cover Photo by Alexander Schulte-Stemmerck, all other photos by Chris Eggers unless otherwise noted)

Donnerstag, 24. November 2016

Claus Grabke, Summercamp 1984

Mal wieder Zeit für etwas Nostalgie
Claus Grabke, Backside Air, Summercamp Täby, Sweden, 1984
beobachtet von Campern und Mit-Trainer Mike McGill (Flyaway Helm, für die, die wissen was das ist 😃)
Time for getting nostalgic again.
Claus Grabke, backside air, Summercamp Täby, Sweden, 1984
watched by fellow Campers and co-trainer Mike McGill (with the Flyaway helmet for those of you who know what that is 😃)

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