since 2009

since 2009

Photos from my archive, new and old stuff from the world of skateboarding. All logo designs by Eduardo Pigatto, Brazil (Cover Photo by Alexander Schulte-Stemmerck, all other photos by Chris Eggers unless otherwise noted)

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

The (last) days of summer

Wie man gut sehen kann ändert sich die Jahreszeit um die Campus Ramp. Die Herbstfarben kommen klar raus. In einer der letzten warmen Sessions entstanden diese Photos. Friedrich, fs rock.
As it is clearly visible the times are changing around the Campus Ramp. These photos were shot during one of the last warm sessions. Friedrich, fs rock
Die Rampe hat uns über den super Sommer geniale Abendsessions beschert. Das Flutlicht ermöglichte uns bis in die Nacht zu skaten.
The ramp has provided amazing evening sessions for us all summer long. The floodlights made it possible to extend the sessions into the nights.
David Tuschell kam öfter aus Stuttgart dazu. Man sieht das deutlich.
Backside air, one foot.
David Tuschell visited from Stuttgart frequently. It helps his progression as you can see. Backside air, one foot.

Einer der am härtesten arbeitenden. Tim Debatin, fakie crooks........
One of the hardest working men, Tim Debatin, fakie crooks...........
manchmal bis zur Erschhöpfung.
up to breakdown sometimes.
Fakie tailstall to bomb drop fakie thing

Friedrich, backside.......
Friedrich frontside 
David, stylish smith
Friedrich, indy
Friedrich versuchte diesen Boardchange frontside air mindestens 10 Mal bis ein leicht verdrehtes Knie ihn zur Aufgabe zwang. Der nächste Sommer kommt bestimmt.
Friedrich tried this boardchange frontside air at least 10 times until a slightly tweaked knee made him give up. The next summer will follow.
Absolte highlights waren die Sessions mit Busam Show........Sven grind off extention........
Highlights were the sessions including a Busam show...........Sven grind off the extention........
und die höchsten Airs.
and the highest airs.
Schlussphoto, fs rock in die Nacht.
Parting shot, fs rock into the night.

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