since 2009

since 2009

Photos from my archive, new and old stuff from the world of skateboarding. All logo designs by Eduardo Pigatto, Brazil (Cover Photo by Alexander Schulte-Stemmerck, all other photos by Chris Eggers unless otherwise noted)

Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009

Trial and error

Wir haben damit angefangen, uns Ziele zu setzen, jedes Mal wenn wir skaten gehen.
We have started setting ourselves goals when we are going skating.
So z. Bsp. letzten Sonntag in Stuttgart. Georg machte seinen backside air mit Leichtigkeit.
So i.e. last sunday in Stuttgart. Georg made his backside air with ease.
Seinen shallow end carve grind hab ich leider nicht richtig erwischt...
I did not catch his shallow end carve grind right though........
Drop in ins deep end war auch einfach.
Dropping into the deep end was easy too.
Indy airs fielen mir sehr viel schwerer...........
Indy airs were a lot more difficult for me...........
Mission accomplished.............

1 Kommentar:

  1. I could have been a challenger for you in '77.
    Not today: I am lame on vert.
